Talcahuano Carriel Sur Airport has 18 more flights than 2020
The end of the restrictive measures has helped increase commercial flights in the area.
Source: https://www.soychile.cl/
Flights to and from Concepción have increased in recent months, going from four services on average in the middle of 2020, to the 22 that are held today.
In this regard, Daniel Aravena, head of the Carriel Sur aerodrome, explained to El Sur that once the vaccination plan advanced and mobility restrictions were reduced, the number of services on the premises increased.
“The increase was in the months of April - May where the change was noticed, but we are talking about going from four planes last year when we were in the midst of the pandemic, to going up to 22 average flights", said.
He added that passengers, every time more planes arrive, are also increasing in number. “There has been an increase in operations, and that has been maintained over time,” he reiterated.
For his part, the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Jaime Aravena, commented that “as the restrictions were lifted, the curfew ended, vaccination advanced and the Mobility Pass appeared, it made people more mobile and “That has not been foreign to flights.”
In that sense, he explained that the trips between Concepción and Santiago (the most common in the area) “We are reaching 80% of what we had before the pandemic.”
In the total number of passengers who passed through the local aerodrome, in September 2019 there were about 140 thousand; in 2020 there were 33 thousand and in this 2021, some 114 thousand people left or arrived at Carriel Sur, reported Jaime Aravena.