About us
By Supreme Decree No. 210 dated 19 of August of 2016, the Ministry of Public Works awarded to Icafal Inversiones SA, the concession of the public fiscal work called “Carriel Sur de Concepción Airport”.
The purpose of this company will be the execution, repair, conservation and exploitation of the indicated public works, through the Concessions System, performing the provision and exploitation of the aeronautical and non-aeronautical services associated with it and the use and enjoyment of national assets of public or fiscal use, destined to develop the work delivered in concession and the areas and services that are agreed upon.
The companies that constitute the Concessionary Airport Carriel Sur SA, participate in it according to the following percentages:
ICAFAL Inversiones SA:
ICAFAL Engineering and Construction SA:
Commercial Manager
Ignacio Henriquez Cuevas