Expansion works of the Carriel Sur airport are inaugurated
The inauguration was led by President Sebastián Piñera during his visit to the Region.
Source: https://www.soychile.cl/
President Sebastián Piñera inaugurated this Wednesday the expansion works of the Carriel Sur airport in Talcahuano, which included a total investment of $22 thousand 249 million.
The project is part of the Biobío Regional Development Plan, which seeks to provide the Region and the country's southern macrozone with an airport with the capacity to serve more than 2 million national and international passengers.
In addition, it is expected that the venue will open the possibility of importing and exporting from the region, becoming independent from the central level. In turn, the facilities would allow the decentralization of international commercial flights.
"That, together with what we are doing in terms of modernizing roads, ports and, in addition, the entire Public Works program that we are carrying out, will give it a new face and will allow Chile to have an adequate infrastructure for the requirements of the XNUMXst century," said the President, who was accompanied by Mayor Sergio Giacaman and the Ministers of Public Works, Alfredo Moreno, of Economy, Lucas Palacios, and of Transportation, Gloria Hutt.
Arauco Police Station
During his visit to Biobío, Sebastián Piñera also visited the works of the 1st Arauco Police Station, which They record 98% progress.
The construction of the building contemplates two floors where the police areas will be housed, with their operational and administrative areas with an approximate area of 1.606m².